Dividend Multiplier Loan

Multiply Your Money with the PCU Dividend Multiplier Loan.

Free yourself from your current personal expenses and debts (both internal and external) into one monthly payment while reducing your Debt Service Ratio.

Get up to a maximum of $500,000.00

  • Members must have at least 6 months membership
  • Minimum Share capital of $5,000.00
  • Members are required to pay the fees for TransUnion Report, Title Search, Valuation Report
Maximum Loan Amount: $500,000.00
Repayment Period: Maximum period of 144 months (12 years)
Interest Rate: 10% per annum
Service Charge: .5%
Let’s face it, money is an important tool in achieving many of our life goals. Now wouldn’t it be incredible if you could magically multiply the returns on one of your investments, providing you with enough cash to knock one or two goals off your to do list a lot sooner than you thought possible? Well you can with the Dividend Multiplier Loan! With the low interest rate of 4.5% APR, up to five years to repay and the ability to multiply dividends up to 10X, The Dividend Multiplier Loan is almost too good to be true. The best part is, your dividends are added to your investment pool, providing even greater returns the following year and you can access the DML even if you have existing loans. You simply cannot lose with this loan product.


Who can qualify?
  • Members receiving dividends in excess $200.00
  • Members not in arrears or delinquency
  • Members with a DSR of no more than 60%
  • Members with a proven ability to repay
Minimum Loan Amount: $1,000.00
Maximum Loan Amount: $150,000.00
Repayment Period: Five years(60 months)
Interest Rate: 4.5% APR
Multiplier: 3X-10X

CALL: 1-868-612-4728
