Fully Secure Loan

Why withdraw when you can save

Free yourself from your current personal expenses and debts (both internal and external) into one monthly payment while reducing your Debt Service Ratio.

Get up to a maximum of $500,000.00

  • Members must have at least 6 months membership
  • Minimum Share capital of $5,000.00
  • Members are required to pay the fees for TransUnion Report, Title Search, Valuation Report
Maximum Loan Amount: $500,000.00
Repayment Period: Maximum period of 144 months (12 years)
Interest Rate: 10% per annum
Service Charge: .5%
The PCU Fully Secure Loan allows members the opportunity to  borrow up to 95% of their share balances at an incredibly low interest rate of 4% per annum. In lieu of withdrawing shares, members have the option of borrowing on investments. Why is this helpful? When left alone, share balances can continue to grow and bear interest annually, generating amazing returns and providing ready collateral for future loans/emergencies. FSLs require no more than one form of id to support the application and are processed same day as far as possible.
If you’re serious about saving and securing the future of your family, this is the loan product for you.
Maximum Loan Amount: 95% of current unencumbered share value
Repayment Period: Ten years(120 months)
Interest Rate: 4% per annum

CALL: 1-868-612-4728
